Exam Edge
At ExamEdge.com, we place our focus on helping you become as prepared as possible for your certification exam. We want you to walk out of the real exam confident and knowing that your time preparing with ExamEdge.com was a success!
Certifications exam don't just measure what you know -- they are also a test of how well you perform under pressure. The right type of test prep helps you familiarize yourself not only with the material you're being tested on, but also the format of the test, so you feel less anxiety on test day. That's the kind of valuable experience you'll get with our practice tests and exam prep!
If you would like to try before you buy, we offer a free prep test as a sample of our materials -- all you need to do is sign up and select your exam. If you then decide to purchase more of our test prep materials, you'll get our full-length practice tests.
Our 5-test bundle of practice exams costs less than the cost of taking the actual certifications exam, and they are web-based so that you can take them anytime, anywhere and without special software. The questions on our practice tests are similar to and formatted the same as the actual certification test questions, so they help you increase the chances that you'll pass the test the first time rather than having to take it again and again. After all, forewarned is forearmed -- and that's especially true when it comes to testing prep!
Just like the real certifications exam, our prep tests are timed. However, one advantage of our exams is that you can pause the test and come back to it later. It will start at the same point where you left off, and with the correct amount of time remaining. This helps you build up your speed as you gain familiarity with the test format.
After you complete one of our practice tests, we'll let you know how many questions you answered correctly. We'll also provide an estimate on the score you might make on the actual exam, so you'll know how much more practice you need.
Our certifications review page includes detailed information for every question in the exam:
1. The question content
2. All of the answer choices
3. The answer choice you selected
4. The answer that is correct
5. A detailed step-by-step explanation
We're fully accredited with the Better Business Bureau, and have plenty of satisfied customers who have had an easier time passing their certifications exam with the help of our test prep. Sign up with us today to try our free practice test!
Our proof of success is with our customers. Many of them have contacted us stating that they failed the real tests until finding and utilizing our site. With our well-constructed tests and you taking the time to practice, we can make passing the test a cinch!